Features - page 46

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Setting clear boundaries

During this period of upheaval and transition it is very easy to be pulled in different directions and to be drawn into the debates and opinions of others. Keep Reading

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Celebrate Mother’s Day in a different way

Mothering Sunday this year will be held on the 14th March and, for the second year running, Mother’s Day will be a very different affair to those of old with some families unable to get-together and spend quality time with their mothers. For those whose Mum is in hospital or a care home, this day will be even harder. There will be no visits, lunches or afternoon teas, so what can you do to make sure you celebrate their day in a special way? Keep Reading

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Save Gibraltar street cats

Susan Wink Sampere and Julie Watson have worked tirelessly to manage the care of the cats through the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) method. With the back-up of a committee, Susan deals with all the trapping and the colonies and Julie handles the adoptions and fosters. Keep Reading

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BARRACK LIFE on The Rock of Gibraltar, 1797

Our working lives are hugely important to us. We spend a significant amount of time working, so what career path we follow is pivotal to our emotional and mental wellbeing. Therefore, deciding to change our working life requires careful and measured consideration. During a pandemic, the reasons and motivation behind the change are put into even more of a sharp focus. Keep Reading

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Love at first type

Our working lives are hugely important to us. We spend a significant amount of time working, so what career path we follow is pivotal to our emotional and mental wellbeing. Therefore, deciding to change our working life requires careful and measured consideration. During a pandemic, the reasons and motivation behind the change are put into even more of a sharp focus. Keep Reading

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Framenco May Have roots in Islamic Music

Gibraltarian Dr. Stefan Williamson Fa is an anthropologist and ethnomusicologist currently working as a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham and has been responsible for researching and promoting the story of a talented young Sindhi singer and Sufi devotee in the 1930’s who dedicated his life to the exploration of deep connections which he found between Andalucian Flamenco music and an Islamic past. Keep Reading

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Leaders and legends

Six of the iGaming industry's most successful leaders took part in ‘The Return of the Leaders and Legends’ webinar on 2nd February. Keep Reading

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The Innovation hun of Southern Europe

Gibraltar, the British Overseas Territory that is known for its Barbary apes, friendly people and nice weather is also at the center of some of the most innovative developments within Technology. People often consider the keystones of the Rocks economy as professional services, legal and accountancy, financial services, insurance and of course our gaming and payments industries. However, whilst we proudly announce all these services to the world, there is one thing that we do not seem to focus on: Gibraltar has become a true innovation hub. Over the last 20 years we have seen a record growth of new companies and new ideas coming out of Gibraltar and its residents have never shouted from the roof tops about it. Keep Reading

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3 More Steps To Ensure You Are hard to Hack

Christmas is a distant memory. Corona Virus is still around, but with hopefully an end in sight, and Easter is just around the corner. In the pre-Christmas issue of Gibraltar Insights, we outlined three simple steps that you can take to make you, your family, your business and Gibraltar more secure and #hardtohack. In this issue we will introduce three more steps to continue building your cyber resilience. Keep Reading

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