Year of the Rabbit

in Features

According to Chinese Astrology, each year corresponds to one of twelve animals  (Rat. Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig) and this cycle repeats every twelve years. The Chinese base their New Year celebration on the lunar calendar instead of the solar one that is used in the west. Therefore, people who follow the solar calendar always celebrate New Year on January 1st. But the Chinese New Year depends on the moon. Usually it is celebrated in February, but the exact date does vary from year to year depending on the phases of the moon’s cycle. This year it falls on January 22nd. The most recent Rabbit Years are 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023 and so this year, of 2023, is The Year of the Rabbit. The Water Rabbit.

The sign of Rabbit, in Chinese culture, is a symbol of wisdom, of longevity, peace, and prosperity. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. And we can all do with plenty of that!

Rabbits are considered to be gentle, quiet, elegant, and alert as well as quick, skillful, kind, and patient.  They tend to be responsible, sometimes reluctant to reveal their minds to others and having a tendency to escape reality, but always faithful to those around them.

Male Rabbits are inclined to treat people politely, with a simplicity that makes people feel valued and respected. They are not easily discouraged but instead remain persistent in their endeavors to find solutions to life’s problems.. This means they eventually achieve success.

Female Rabbits are personified as having a pretty and demure appearance, whilst also having a pure heart.

The Rabbit is considered to make the best love partners with Goat, Dog, or Pig and worst with: Rat or Rooster

So what does 2023 hold for us?

I think it is fair to say that 2022 was more than a little hectic. However, the next 12 months could offer opportunities for relaxation, quietness and contemplation.

As the Year of the Tiger comes to an end on Jan. 21 and the Year of the Rabbit begins, we can expect rather an abrupt change of pace as we say goodbye to the roaring tiger and hello to the milder rabbit.

The rabbit is historically known as the gentlest and most tender of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac, the traditional classification scheme based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal and its attributes to each year.

Rabbit energy is also good for inner growth, personal and spiritual development and reaching a sense of peace with your place in the grand scheme of things in the Universe. This could involve undertaking workshops and webinars, reading, studying and taking part in support groups.

This is naturally a perfect year for Rabbit people to engage on a deeper journey of personal and spiritual development. This is always the case for the animal celebrating its own Chinese Year 

As 2023 is the year of water Rabbit, this suggests a year of calm after the storm. A time of recalibration and self-reflection, of developing heart centred awareness. Chinese zodiac animal signs are grouped in six pairs according to the balance between yin and yang. Each of these groupings is associated with one of six destiny aspects known as Houses. These Houses influence the overall characteristics of the time period in which the animal sign rules.

The second House is the House of expansion, which is associated with the Tiger and the Rabbit (sometimes known as Cat). In the year of the Rabbit there is likely to be expansion through diplomacy and wisdom which will be essential to repair the damage caused by the Tiger’s aggression.    

In life and love, the Rabbit is a gentle and caring partner, always looking out for their partner’s wellbeing and happiness.  

The animal energy of the year affects everyone. In this Year of the Rabbit, 2023, many people will develop the inner wisdom to take better care of themselves and this will extend to wealth and financial stability as well as to health and happiness. So, take time to focus on your finances, think of investing in stocks, in property or other types of savings’ plans. 

Remember also, to be cautious in all your actions.  It is important to retain a trusting and easy-going attitude but equally essential to be vigilant regarding potential frauds or scams. 

Because 2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit, there will be abundance available and coming to those who trust. Water represents the flow of life, our vital force and good health and the very essence of the Rabbit spirit. However, Water Rabbit is tuned in with Mother Earth and so ever aware of potential pitfalls, and vigilant enough to avoid or circumvent them. Water Rabbit always trusts its instincts. 

Under the influence of Rabbit energy, we can all take risks with being vulnerable in the confidence that within our vulnerability lies our greatest strength. Thus, we are safe both romantically and financially and success is assured. 

Rabbit is also associated with creativity and artistic talents so channel your inner artist this year and explore your creative side. The possibilities are endless whatever you choose to do. Be more flexible, gentler with yourself and surround yourself with others who share a gentle and loving approach to life.

Rabbit energy is beautiful and just what the world needs to rebalance itself right now. So, relax and enjoy the year. Enjoy your journey and the new and exciting things you find along the path. May your path be smooth. 

Kate Mchardy  MA(Hons)  PGCE MSPH

Spiritual coach, teacher and healer.

The University of Light Group

Tel:   +44 7712889534

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