Horoscope February

in Features

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

You may feel as though your efforts are lost in the vastness of the Universe, Aries, but be reassured that you have wisdom in abundance and it is appreciated. Trust yourself and your instincts this month, and give yourself permission to be heard.  

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21) 

This month you will be called upon to channel your inner visionary, Taurus, and thus you’ll be tested to stand firm in your truth. Remain calm and centred at all times, keeping your focus on your objective. 

GEMINI (May 22 – Jun 22) 

Knowledge is power, Gemini, and when properly used and applied, it begets wisdom. Wisdom leads to transformation and this month you are ready to emerge from a period on introspection and growth. Like a beautiful butterfly.. 

CANCER (Jun 23 – Jul 22)

There are angels all around you, Cancer, in different forms. Angels do not always manifest wearing white robes and with huge wings. They manifest in the way we can best receive them as beloved pets, dear friends or an unexpected encounter with a stranger. 

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 23) 

If you’ve been feeling self-protective recently, Leo, then now is a good time to come out of hiding and trust the process of life with your usual courage and fortitude. We all need some healing time, it’s what keeps us healthy and balanced. 

VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sep 23)

If you’ve taken a bit of a knock recently, Virgo, then step aside from the overwhelm and give yourself time to process things. If you need to make changes and reset some boundaries then some meditation time will help you to do so.

LIBRA (Sep 24 – Oct 23) 

Be true to yourself this month, Libra, and dare to be different! Rejoice in your own uniqueness and take that step to change the dynamics of a situation that is not sitting comfortable with you. Go on… you can do it!

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22) 

You may feel a push me pull you effect on yourself this month, Scorpio, between your male and female selves. Remember you have both and they need to love and respect each other. Listen to your heart and healing will happen.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 21) 

Little people will make your heart light up this month, Sagittarius. By sharing their innocence and love with you they will remind you of the importance of shining your own light. Do this and your troubles will seem much lighter.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 20) 

You need to expand your horizons this month, Capricorn. Try something new and dismiss that inner voice that says you can’t do it. You don’t have to be an expert you just have to dive in and lead the way! 

AQUARIUS (Jan 21 – Feb 19) 

Remind yourself that you are truly lovable, Aquarius, no matter how others treat you. Nurture yourself the way you do others and show compassion to those who have less understanding than you do.  

PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

‘Being’ is your key word this month. Pisces. Allow yourself to just be in the flow of the Universal energy. Take time to appreciate your food, smell the flowers and breathe in the sea air. There is beauty everywhere and it is a reflection of you!

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