Depending on Self

in Features

As participants in the current reality and the transition taking place on our planet and indeed being Light warriors charged with the task of looking after and guiding confused souls through this period, we realise that our own paradigms have shifted radically and we must shift our comfort zones accordingly. This means that as our familiar safety structures disappear from underneath and all around us, we have to step up and look deeper within in order to locate the locus of control within, which connects to the divinity which created us.

As participants in the current reality and the transition taking place on our planet and indeed being Light warriors charged with the task of looking after and guiding confused souls through this period, we realise that our own paradigms have shifted radically and we must shift our comfort zones accordingly. This means that as our familiar safety structures disappear from underneath and all around us, we have to step up and look deeper within in order to locate the locus of control within, which connects to the divinity which created us. 

We find that we have two selves …. The Self (higher Self) and the self (lower self or ego).   Put simplistically this is the Heart and the Head.    

Most of us these days are familiar with the Chakras … the seven, spiritual energy centres located in the body. It is valuable to recognise these centres in relation to the 4 Pillars of PIES.  (Physical Intellectual Emotional Spiritual).

  • Root Chakra relates to Physical. 
  • Sacral Chakra to Emotional.  
  • Solar Plexus to Intellectual 
  • Throat, Third Eye and Crown to the Spiritual.  

This leaves a gap in the middle, which is the Heart Chakra which is The Soul and the frequency of The Soul is not of the Intellect. The Intellect can make things happen but the Heart is where imagination lies and where ego fears to tread. We must open the altar of The Heart to allow God energy in and only thus can we arrive at pure, Heart based decisions that work for the highest good of all concerned.  

More and more, it is essential that we keep our chakras harmonised and centred, vibrating peacefully with the higher frequencies around us. We stay centred by melding with the higher vibrations and diligently cleansing negative presences from the sphere around us. It is impossible to fix problems with the same mind that created them, the ego mindset, as the ego is only interested in sabotage so has no one’s best interests in mind. 

One of the most powerful ways to open the altar of the heart and allow God energy in is through the practice of Forgiveness, using the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. What I have been learning more recently is that there is a deeper spiritual depth to this practice which is essential for the process to work on any valuable level. It is possibly best described as a process of reconciliation and healing through self-forgiveness. The lower self (or ego) asks forgiveness from the higher Self for buying into the illusion of lack, thus taking responsibility and handing over control at the same time.  And that’s powerful! It is about Forgiving on a soul level ……   and, as beings of the ‘We are All One’ energy, it is about taking 100% responsibility for our experiences and forgiving ourselves for our misguided preconceptions. It is truly liberating. 

The mantra or prayer goes like this:  I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thankyou, I love you.  What is happening here is that the small ‘i’ (or self/ego) is recognising a false belief which it has allowed to come in and cause hurt and saying Sorry to the higher Self (Divine energy) for not trusting, and then asking for Forgiveness.  Then saying Thankyou.  It is about recognising that we are all one and that as we are all created in Divine perfection then we have full responsibility for everything that happens to us. This is what “I am you and you are me and we are one” actually means and the only way for us to reclaim our divine power and cease to live with pain is to recognise and honour our divinity and stop trying to ‘fix’ our lives through the ego. 

The practice is simple ….  but not easy as the power lies within the consistency of applying it.  It must become a deeply ingrained habit in order to replace the negative voices which have ruled us all our lives and which constantly remind us of how flawed we are.

The ego or lower self, resides in the lower chakra centres – the physical, emotional and intellectual.  This could also be described as the 3D aspects of our existence.  Remember that the current transition is about moving from 3D to 5D. From the material, head centred vibration to the heart centred vibration of love.  Where value is placed on people and not on things. Ego identifies from the outside in – placing value on the ‘things’ that it has acquired but have no lasting value.  Divinity identifies from the inside out, teaching us that value lies within and lives forever. 

We learn to live from the heart chakra, understanding the power of and the safe space of love and only then can we move into the energies of the three upper chakra centres where divinity and spirituality reside.

And so, the heart acts like a bridge linking what I call The Annexe and The Chantry. The Annexe being an ‘add-on’ or an afterthought, external and impermanent.  The Chantry is a shrine, a place of prayer, a sanctuary of peace and love, internal and forever. 

The bridge connecting the material and the spiritual (current transition) therefore becomes the 4D.  This is where so many are at the moment.  We know where we want to go but it feels like too big a risk as the ego prefers to be in charge and much prefers dragging us back into the old painful memory zone. So, we hover on the bridge.  And this is where ho’oponopono comes into its power and erases all those old memories which hold us on the bridge.  Depend on Self and let them go ….

I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.

Kate Mchardy  MA(Hons)  PGCE MSPH

Spiritual coach, teacher and healer.

The University of Light Group

Tel:   +44 7712889534

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