Meet our team – The PACS volunteers!


Here at PACS we pride ourselves on the fact we have a very lovely team of voluteers to ensure each of our sessions run smoothly week in week out. We’d love you to meet them…

Name: Helen Mumford 

How long have you been volunteering for PACS? 8 and a half years

What you love about being a volunteer? 

The ability to give back to the community that I live in. When I moved to Gibraltar with young children PACS was a lifeline to me. It helped me and my family make friends and feel part of the community.  If giving a few hours a week means that someone else can feel that same way, thats great and it gives me a tremendous amount of pride.  Also, there are plenty of laughs along the way!

Name: Carrie Fox

How long have you been volunteering for PACS? 1 year

What you love about being a volunteer?

I love being a friendly face for parents/carers and children to get to know week after week.  Having familiar faces in a safe space to take a baby or young child is really important to me. It gives me satisfaction knowing that I can help provide this safe environment for families, while assuring them they are not alone with the struggles that come along with parenting. I also love seeing how the children blossom into beautiful individuals. 

Name: Anna Gabay 

How long have you been volunteering for PACS? Starting in September 

Why do you want to volunteer for PACS?

I have attended the variety of PACS sessions over the last 2 years with my youngest. These sessions have been invaluable in providing safe interactions with peers, especially as he has not attended nursery.

My son is very shy and relies on me in social situations. PACS has enabled us to enjoy the sessions together, and most importantly, allowed him to build trusting relationships with adults outside of the family. 

Now he is starting Preschool in September, I hope to become one of those friendly faces for children to eventually trust!

Name: Chloë Weir 

How long have you been volunteering for PACS? 6 years

What you love about being a volunteer?

In all honesty, it’s really hard to say what I love most. We are very privileged to be able to say that we get to watch many children grow and develop from new born babies to 5 year olds ready for school. To be able to be a part of their development is amazing. We really get to know them and become a part of their lives. Also watching friendships grow between the parents and carers is lovely. We pride ourselves on the fact we offer a happy and safe place to both the children and the adults. Watching a Mum walk in on her own for the first time and then leave having made what could potentially be life long friends is priceless. We are very proud of what we do.. oh and we have a great time doing it! 

Name: Monica Monton Chiappe 

How long have you been volunteering for PACS? 5 years 

What you love about being a volunteer? 

Firstly I wanted to give something back to such a wonderful community that has helped me with the upbringing of my 3 children. Since attending the sessions and becoming a volunteer it has made me a happier, healthier person and filled my days with joy. I would say it interrupts my daily tensions of work and home-life when focusing on others rather than myself. The benefits have worked both ways and I look forward to meeting new volunteers along the way.

Name: Nadine Delgado 

How long have you been a volunteer for? 3 years

What do you like about being a volunteer for PACS?

I used to go to PACS with my youngest and loved having a cup of tea and sharing stories of sleepless nights, pregnancy and labour with the other mums all whilst my then toddler played happily in a safe environment. As Tristan became more independent we both started helping out at the family centre putting away toys and helping tidy up. 

I feel it’s so important for parents of young children to have a safe space to come to and be able to talk to another adult, so once he started school I became an official volunteer. I enjoy seeing smiles on the parents faces as they walk through the door and have their first taste of caffeine of the day then they can finally relax even if it’s just for a bit. Lending a sympathetic ear, giving advice and cuddling new borns whilst the parent tends to the older child are all part of the job.

Name: Lenka Tryb

How long have you been a volunteer for? 4 months 

What do you like about being a volunteer for PACS? 

Being a mother of 3 gives me some idea of how demanding and busy a parent’s routine can be. For me, meeting new mums and dads who come through the door with their little ones is a great privilege. 

Volunteering for PACS, gives me a chance to be there for those who come and simply need a little rest from their particular parenting routines, whilst their little ones enjoy socialising and being busy with starting new friendships and with learning new activities.

I simply love to be a help in any possible way and to be able to assist their children in a variety of activities. I find helping them to learn new things and to witness their development extremely rewarding… and all this takes place in the very warm, supportive, safe and fun environment that Pacs sessions are!! 🙂

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us on

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