Horoscope 2021

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ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

With your practical nature and no-nonsense attitude, Aries, you find yourself entering the New Year with high hopes and yet feeling a little prickly under the skin. This is simply because you are feeling sensitive following the uncertainties of the last year and your inborn need to feel that you are in control. As the beginning of the year gives way to springtime things will feel rather more secure and you will be able to plan ahead without that nagging feeling that you might be letting someone down. So, lighten up as summer comes around and allow yourself to laugh a little at your worries and troubles. The second half of the year is a good time for you to work on your inner light. Engage in stillness and allow yourself to absorb the higher energies of the Universe. Open your heart to love in all its forms and know that, by doing so, you are having a profound effect on everyone you come into contact with. 

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21)  

This year of 2021 offers great promise and release form the trials and tribulations of the past twelve months. Being the earth creature that you are, Taurus, with a need for stability, the uncertainty and upheaval of this time has affected you deeply. During the first half of this new year, you will find yourself slowly releasing your grip on the familiar and allowing yourself to let go of things which you acknowledge are no longer serving you but holding you back. As springtime comes around, as it will, so will you realise that the seasons of nature reflect the seasons of life and that there are indeed many certainties and things that we can rely on to be there for us in an unchanging way. Welcome the summer months with open arms and an open heart and remember that to honour and respect others you must first honour and respect yourself. By Christmas time you will feel whole again, safer and very much loved.

GEMINI (May 22 – Jun 22) 

You are the great communicator, Gemini, whether with words, body language or actions.  You have the ability to use this skill to hurt or to heal and in many situations your sense of humour and satire are your saving grace. In the aftermath of the global crisis of the last year, you will be called upon to use your skill as a healing tool. Many people are entering 2021 in a state of confusion and bewilderment. Gemini is the messenger energy who is given the role of soothing and healing wounded souls. During this year of transformation and transition you there will be many changes, for you and for others. Be aware that there will be trickery around so keep your intuition sharp and fresh and be ready to grow into the amazing purpose that you came on earth to share. Tune into the wisdom of the Universe that is available to you now. 

CANCER (Jun 23 – Jul 22)

Your generous, loyal and caring nature has been sorely put to the test over the last year, Cancer, but the good news is that it will be welcomed with open arms over the months of 2021. As the early months move into the new life of springtime, you will be able to walk into those arms and touch the hearts of many people. It isn’t that you haven’t been appreciated recently it is simply that people have been so preoccupied and so confused that they haven’t taken onboard what you have had to share. But your actions and your caring will come into its own and by the second half of the year you will be feeling much less frustrated and much clearer on your own way forward. When you feel a little misunderstood around October/November just remember that you carry light and wisdom in your aura and this is not always immediately recognized. Recognise your true self and the rest will follow. 

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 23) 

Like many people over the last year, your energy has been rather scattered, Leo.  However, being Leo, and having extra measures of radiant energy this has left you depleted and even a little down about 2021 may be about to deliver. So, I am here to tell you that this is the year to rein in some of that energy  …  for the first few months of the year just step back from encouraging and reassuring others and spend some time doing this for yourself. Remember that when you are acting with the best and noblest of intentions (as you have been), you may well be misunderstood. There will always be those who want to put out the bright light of others. Seldom has this been more true than in the last twelve months. As we move into the more relaxed and warmer days of summer remain true to your own purpose and hold your vison like a bright burning flame. This will carry you on down to Christmas and a whole new you!

VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sep 23)

 Being a wise soul, Virgo, you will find that this year will bring out the teacher in you and many people will be ready to listen to what you have to share. This will not be like traditional teaching as we know it but more to do with sharing your inner knowledge with people who are ready to learn more about themselves and the world around them. 2021 is a healing year …. And you will be called upon to play your part in that healing. It will take many forms and is an awesome opportunity for you to step into your power and show others that they can do the same. You may find yourself on the beach in the summer months, surrounded by people who simply cannot get enough of what you have to teach and share. And as the year progresses you feel at peace within yourself – like a feeling of having come home. That’s because you have. You have come home to yourself. 

LIBRA (Sep 24 – Oct 23) 

2021 is set to be a year of transition and change, Libra. Following on from the upheaval of the past twelve months we will move onto the next phase which will be about moving people forward to enlightenment. As a lover of balance, you will find yourself drawn to watch for unexpected things happening and to be a step ahead of others in helping them see things from different perspectives. As the year progresses through the new life of springtime and on into the warm months of summer, so you will develop your skills and clear your thoughts. You will be making sure that your focus only on the positive and that your intentions are pure. Thus, as the year progresses you will be able to share these skills with others enabling them to navigate obstacles in new and clever ways. As yet another year draws to a close you will be secure in your tribe and respected by all. 

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22) 

2021 challenges you to be more independent than ever before, Scorpio. This will involve having the courage to step into your invisible power and speak your truth. Up till now you have undervalued your innate powers and your ability to heal and to be a spiritual leader. You are reminded to be more disciplined about your spiritual practice as this is important to your progress and there will be an encounter with someone in the month of July where this will be brought home to you. So, be prepared. Come September you will be in a position to express your firm belief in equality and make sure that everyone feels needed and important. As the year draws to a close look for like – minded others and gather them to you. Together, you can fulfill your mission more effectively than if you work alone. Shine unconditional love and light and allow others to bask in the healing. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 21) 

You are more powerful than you know, Sagittarius, and 2021 will present you with plenty of opportunities to grow into that power. Following on from the recent months of upheaval and uncertainty, this year is going to be a period of healing, personal growth and transformation. The way is forward and looking back will not be in any way helpful. Learn the lessons of the past and choose only the good energy to take forward. You will expand your horizons this year, with travel to somewhere exotic being a distinct possibility around August/September. You will also be called upon to tune in psychically to a relationship that is troubling you in some way and you must listen to your intuition as it will not let you down. As Christmas comes around again you will feel less than ever like engaging in the material aspects and you will choose to share your love in the spiritual ways which bring you inner peace.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 20) 

As we move ever closer into the 5th dimension, Capricorn, so will your energy soften and you will feel safer to express the feelings held deeply in your heart. As the year embraces the new life of spring, so will you feel yourself and those around you daring to feel excited and joyful at the prospect of a world full of love ….  of more soul and less materialism. Caring, devotion and innocent fun will be where you feel that you have most to give and hence feel the greatest reward.  You are ruled by Saturn and as that great planet shifted at the last winter solstice, so too did the heavy energy shift from your energy sphere. At last, you can shake off the sense of responsibility which has always been a part of you and as the year comes to a close you can relax and enjoy a lighter and more carefree festive period. Enjoying yourself rather than feeling that you must take care of everyone else first!

AQUARIUS (Jan 21 – Feb 19) 

As an Aquarian, you have learned patience. You have had to. Those of you born under the sign of Aquarius hold, deep within themselves, a golden wisdom, a divine blueprint, that your soul contracted to share with humanity. But, until now, humanity has not been ready and so you have been patiently waiting. You are instinctively drawn to ley lines and even more so this year, as you are building new spiritual communication systems for the approaching 5th dimensional energy which the world is now entering. You have never felt that you truly fitted into this world – because you didn’t. But your time has now come and as you breathe deeper and deeper into your third eye you will connect with Archangel Raphael who will raise your healing abilities to a very high level and as the year draws to a close you will know that The Universe supports you and that your patience has paid off. 

PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

Your mission this year is the spreading of peace, Pisces. In the early part of the year, you will learn how to communicate this more effectively through your energy field. Plan some meditation for the spring months as this is when the world and nature is at its most fertile and your job is to plants seeds. Create the spaces in peoples lives and plants seeds in those spaces. The move on and allow the seeds to grow through the warmth of summer. Take deep breaths and centre year, yourself on the outbreath until you feel calm and centred. Surround yourself with flowers and sweet essences and allow your mind to open to the higher spiritual dimensions. This way you can support others through the changes to come throughout the year and help to birth the new era of love, peace and harmony. Thus, you will become a catalyst for the transformation that will be taking place throughout the year. 

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