It is absolutely fine.

in Health & Beauty

When so much is going on around you, feeling disconnected from yourself is a common experience. It is understandable to feel out of sorts – we all do from time to time. 

We all have those moments where we do not feel like ourselves. Quite often, it is difficult to figure out exactly why.

One reason, however, could be a feeling of disconnection from yourself. Our most important relationship is with ourselves, so when our minds and bodies are out of sorts, it can trigger deep-rooted anxiety and stress.

Here are a few signs of detachment from yourself:

Feeling this way can often be traced back to deep-rooted unresolved emotions and painful experiences that we’ve neglected.⁣

The instinct to disconnect usually kicks in to protect us from emotional trauma. It helps us block out traumatic or painful events. But like the fight-or-flight instinct, when the disconnect instinct gets repeatedly triggered, we begin a more consistent pattern of emotional suppression, losing touch with our true selves in the process. This can ⁣leave us feeling chronically unhappy and numb.⁣

Identifying feelings of disconnection from yourself

There can be significant signs that you are feeling disconnected from yourself including regularly feeling overwhelmed and detached from your surroundings – both emotionally and physically.

With the stress of modern life, including the cost of living crisis and a sense of worldwide uncertainty, these feelings may be common. 

Because of this, you may understandably feel a lack of meaning or purpose. You may well find it challenging to name or feel your emotions. This may also be a sign of disconnection. Are you experiencing a sense of emptiness and feeling like you are in a constant battle with your mind? Another indicator that you are struggling with feelings of disconnection.

It is not simply only to do with how you relate to yourself. Feelings of isolation from people around you can also come down to disconnection, even if they are loved ones or close friends.

How to re-connect with yourself

There are some simple yet helpful practices that can relieve tension and encourage greater emotional wellbeing. These include journaling to increase awareness of your thoughts, releasing trapped emotions through dance practicing deep breathing and meditation.

Eloise Skinner is a Psychotherapist and states ‘One of the first strategies I would recommend is to take some time to pause, slow down and reflect on how you feel. It might sound obvious, but it can be so important to take a moment to pause, especially if we’re feeling disconnected from ourselves. The pause can give us time to step away from distractions and other stresses, and reflect on what’s actually going on for us.

Journalling or another form of writing practice can be incredibly helpful for reconnecting with yourself. When we write, we can often unravel complex feelings and emotions that might have not found an outlet otherwise, and we can create some space between the things happening in our lives and the way we truly feel. Try taking a sheet of paper and journaling without structure for 15 minutes. Then, revisit your writing and see if you can spot any themes or consistent ideas that arise frequently. This process can often help us to reconnect to ourselves, our emotions and our perspectives.

A physical practice (such as a fitness class, a walk or run, or a simple stretch) can be great for reconnecting with ourselves on a physical level. The mind and body are closely integrated, so it’s worth taking time to address both aspects. If you can pair some physical movement with a calming mental practice like meditation or mindfulness, you might find an even deeper sense of reconnection with the self.

Yetty Williams is a social entrepreneur, parenting coach, and responsible digital citizenship advocate. She is trained in online safety and children safeguarding. These are her thoughts on how best to reconnect:

Reconnecting with Yourself: Positive Strategies to Overcome Disconnection 

In our fast-paced world, it is not uncommon to feel disconnected from ourselves. The demands of daily life, constant distractions, and external pressures can leave us feeling detached from our true essence and purpose. However, by understanding the hidden factors and lifestyle behaviours that can cause disconnection, we can reconnect with ourselves and experience lasting fulfilment.  

Reflect on Your Values and Priorities:

Feeling disconnected can arise when we lose sight of our core values and priorities. Take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. What brings you joy, meaning, and a sense of fulfilment? Now ask yourself if your actions are aligned. This process of self-exploration will help you rediscover parts of yourself that may have been neglected and foster a sense of connection.

Identify Perfectionism:

The relentless pursuit of perfection can disconnect us from our authentic selves. Striving for unrealistic standards and constantly seeking external validation can leave us feeling unfulfilled and disconnected. Embrace imperfections and adopt a growth mindset that values progress

over perfection. Celebrate your efforts and achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Avoid the Comparison Trap:

Constantly comparing ourselves to others and suffering from the fear of missing out can erode our sense of fulfilment. The curated lives we see on social media often foster unrealistic expectations and a distorted sense of reality. It is important to practise gratitude and focus on your own journey rather than comparing it to others’. Focusing on your strengths and letting go of the need for external validation will help you feel connected to who you are.

Eloise Skinner:

Instagram: @eloiseallexia


Yetty Williams:

Instagram: @yettywilliams


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