Horoscope October

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ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Miracles do happen, Aries, and they start happening when we find a sense of inner peace. It is about energy and like attracting like… when the inner energy changes to still then when allow miracles in. 

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21) 

During these times of uncertainty, Taurus, you may find that it helps to look into the eyes of the people you see each day and say, “The Light in me salutes the Light in you”. This will both spread and share happiness. 

GEMINI (May 22 – Jun 22) 

You are the great communicator, Gemini, and you have a vibrant imagination. You are in the ideal position at this time to help others to understand that they can indeed create their own reality and their own future. 

CANCER (Jun 23 – Jul 22)

You can expect to feel romantic love all around you this month, Cancer, and to feel especially cherished and cared for. First though, you must spend some time remembering that you deserve this!

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 23) 

You may feel that you are in the middle of personal chaos at the moment, Leo, but remember that this is a time of truth and must be gone through for new life to emerge. That is exactly what is happening so take a deep breath and dive right in!

VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sep 23)

Our flaws, as we perceive them to be, are actually our wounds and therefore they are experiences from which we need to heal. So, this month you are being guided to be more compassionate with yourself, Virgo, and so with others..

LIBRA (Sep 24 – Oct 23) 

You may well find yourself working in partnership this month, Libra and this may be totally unexpected.  However, it is a very positive thing and there is much to be learned from helping each other be the best you can be! 

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22) 

Connecting on a deeper level with someone this month is important, Scorpio, so don’t hold back. Overcome your initial fear and listen to your heart… It won’t let you down. This is one of those times when to be vulnerable id to be strong. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 21) 

Remember Sagittarius, that thoughts become things and so we must monitor them carefully. In fact, to guide your thoughts towards forgiveness is a most powerful way to achieve success and contentment on all levels. 

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 20) 

You are being guided to give away all feelings of fear and anger this month, Capricorn. Rather than pushing them down, allow them to rise to the surface and acknowledge them and then give them away. Send them off into the sky and just let them go. 

 AQUARIUS (Jan 21 – Feb 19) 

You are being reminded that you are powerful in whatever moment you choose to be so, Aquarius. You are an instrument of love right here, right now and you are being directed to step into that power. The world needs you! 

PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

ou’ll find yourself giving a friend the benefit of the doubt this month, Pisces. Listen with depth and compassion. Do not judge. This is a time for your loyalty to guide your actions and to be the true friend that you are. A gift.

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