Back in Business


We are delighted to make two exciting announcements! Firstly, after a year, the Family Centre is reopening which means that our Monday session can reopen! This group will now be known as Totally Toddlers! To begin with, strict COVID restrictions will be in place, therefore we will have a booking system. Please check our FB page for more details on how to book, timings etc.

And our other exciting news is that PACS will be making our move to the Methodist Church permanent! The team at the church and the Living Room café have been a great help and support with helping us to get back up and running during the Covid restrictions. As before Bumps & Babies will run on a Wednesday morning from 9.30am and Playgroup will run on a Friday mornings. Timings for all of our groups will confirmed on our FB page.

We are aware that, like us, you are keen to for Cooking Club to return. Please be assured that we are working very hard to make this happen and hope to make an announcement soon. Alongside plans for our cooking session to return, this move enables us to expand what sessions we can offer and hope to be offering not only additional free play sessions but specially designed craft and sensory sessions! We are hoping after a difficult 2020 that this year will continue to allow PACS to offer not only our previous session but much more to the local community.
Of course, being back in business means that we are looking for some more volunteers to help us run our sessions. PACS is completely funded by attendee donations and manned by volunteers who give up their time to run sessions and therefore we are always on the look out for new people to join our team. All volunteers are offered training and support and the children are always happy to see you! If you think you could offer up some time then please get in touch with us at

We look forward to seeing you all soon and hope to offer a bigger and better PACS!

Love from all the Team @ PACS

Benefits of Reading

With research showing that children nowadays read less frequently than previous generations, the good news is that the UK’s National Literacy Trust Children has found that children turned to reading even more during lockdown because for some of them it provided refuge during the difficult time, supporting their mental wellbeing and enabling them to dream about the future

Children grow up with a continuous stream of entertainment including endless TV channels, on-demand streaming and numerous digital devices. For most children screen time is habitual and they would prefer to play video games than to pick up a book. 

One huge reason that children don’t like to read is that unfortunately many parents don’t read themselves and are rarely seen to have a book in their hands, and this filters down to the children. Reading aloud to children from an early age is so important and kids can learn to have a lifelong relationship with the printed word if they start young. 

What can you do as parents if your child just isn’t motivated to read? 

Make time for reading in their busy schedule and allow it to become a relaxing and enjoyable time.

Set aside a regular time to read aloud with your children.  

Create a cosy space where your child can settle down and spend time with a good book.   

Select a humorous book aimed at your child’s reading level and read the first chapter aloud.

Children who read for pleasure have increased concentration, memory, confidence, greater self-esteem and general knowledge. Make sure that reading is still valued and let it flourish, even if your kids are avid gamers, and they will reap the benefits as they grow up.

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