Walking the Talk

in Features

“Putting your words into action. Showing that you mean what you say by actively doing it yourself. It is a version of the everyday phrase ‘practice what you preach”. 

“Truly great leaders are those who do not have double standards and who practice what they preach. Great leaders believe in a cause wholeheartedly and dedicate their lives to leadership by example.” 

Dictionary of HRM

We do not all need to be great leaders. We do not all need to be leaders at all. However, particularly in these times of great transition, I believe that it is essential that each individual becomes the leader in their own life and by so doing inspire others to do the same. Given that this is a big departure for so many, what steps can people take to effect this?

Find a philosophy that works for you, identify your core values and beliefs and refine these until they sit comfortably in your heart. Your basic, instinctive sense of right and wrong. Congruency is paramount so start with small steps and be sure to be congruent with your philosophy, whatever it may be. It is very easy to get caught up in the ‘spiritual revolution’ of the times and we have to be vigilant in recognising the activity of the Luciferian Light. As soon as we start to grow spiritually, it is all too easy to become caught up in the shallow energies which abound and masquerade as the Christ light, the pure Light. Many committed light workers can be easily seduced by false prophets and there are many of them around, recruiting for the other side. So, read books that speak to your soul and do not read books that you are not willing to apply to your daily life. Walking the talk applies all day every day.  We do not put time aside to walk our talk and then do what we feel like at other times. By the same token keep it light and be gentle with yourself. Gentle but firm. We all slip up but once you have heard the truth you can’t unhear – you can slip up but not give up!

As soon as you start to grow on your spiritual path then the challenges will arise. And you will be tested. These tests take many forms and catch us unawares. The Universe (God) will present you with the same people, again and again, until you can see them differently. You know the relationship with the new guy/girl which is so refreshingly different from the last one that ended in disaster? Except, when it all goes south again, you realise that you’ve been here before? Clearly there is an issue or pattern that needs resolving before you can move forward from the ego level of love to the soul level on your way to the divine level. This can be done using deep inner work or reflection therapy with the help of a congruent and spiritually evolved therapist. And by learning the most powerful technique of them all – handing over to the Universal or Source energy.  

Karma says that we keep coming back until we learn to love on the divine level and in order to achieve this, we must learn how to walk our talk.  And you will be given opportunity after opportunity to do just that. If you remember that only love is real then you can monitor yourself carefully to do the next right thing whatever is happening in your life. Any thoughts of hurt, resentment, revenge, betrayal etc can, albeit with practice, be nipped in the bud and moved out of the way to leave space only for love. If the feeling of love doesn’t come easily (and it takes time) then simply offer your intention of love and ask your higher power to do it on your behalf. It works.

The body, as we know, is the temple of the soul. The vessel for the soul to live in during its life experience. It may be that the attraction between bodies is simply a conduit to connecting us soul to soul in order to ascend and this explains the human desire for physical love even though the actual love we are seeking is on a soul level. And, remember, ascension is a growing process not a going one. . 

Once you start on this path there is no going back.  Nor is there any standing still. You can only go forward. At your own speed. Everything worth achieving is worth taking slowly so slow down and enjoy the trip.

Whatever assertions you make, whatever you claim, the Universe will call you out on it. As Michael Mirdad says ‘Tests will burn you to a crisp to find out if there is any gold in you’.   

In order to see reality, we need to stop seeing with the physical eyes. Our souls are old and wise and, in their pursuit of ascension, they are pushing through something much more than the eyes can see. 

Walking your talk is about respecting yourself and your boundaries. Healthy boundaries and the ability to honour those boundaries is essential. It is about owning and integrating your higher self. As light warriors in a spiritual war, we have a duty to walk our talk. To shine our light, to walk our talk and to make a difference. And we each have the power to do so. Individually you are powerful …… together we are invincible. Let’s go!

Kate Mchardy MA(Hons) PGCE MSPH Spiritual coach, teacher and healer. katemch@gmail.com / Tel: +44 7712889534. Facebook: The University of Light Group / Readings at The University of Light (@tarotangelspiritreadings). 

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